Siddha Performance, LLC is run by Kapil Gupta MD.
His website is and
The latter is now password protected.
The entity probably makes somewhere around $1 to $5 million per annum.
But revenue is the least interesting part of this story.
I was first introduced to Kapil Gupta through Naval Ravikant.
Naval’s How to get rich tweetstorm had a profound impact on me.
So when I heard that Kapil was Naval’s coach, I was surprised, and got curious.
Kapil came across as someone who is uniquely different to me.
Almost as if he is not homo sapiens, but a different species altogether…
It took me years of studying him to understand how he works (and I’m still not 100% sure).
So whatever I’m writing here is purely from my native observations and analysis which may not be entirely accurate.
The reason why I’m even writing this post is because I came across an article describing his marketing tactics on a consumer forum.
However, from what I’ve learned about him, the article is far off from what I believe to be true.
Yes, he sells 5 to 10 mins podcasts for $500 each. A monthly subscription which asks for pledges in $1000s and some of his other higher-tier info products costing upward of $100,000 to be considered.
Few of his books, I believe, Wisdom for a King was sold for $250. And I’m guessing his private consultancy would cost a minimum of $50k to $100k per month on a retainer basis.
All of the above is true. Yes, his products are ridiculously priced. But, he does not choose to sell them this way.
From what I know, Kapil is not driven by money. Yet, he is one of the highest paid consultants in the world. This may surprise you, I understand.
He has actually made enough for himself as a doctor in the first 15 years of his career.
And his wife continues to work as a doctor, so he does not really need more money.
What he craves for, is devotion, and purity.
He has devoted himself to studying the human mind and how it works.
His main focus seems to be conquering his own mind, to become totally free.
This desire perhaps arose from the time when he was in charge of training his sons — Aman and Abhay Gupta to play professional golf.
He noticed the parity amongst players and discovered that most athletes actually struggle in what he calls — skill ‘access’ rather than skill ‘acquisition’ — for those who play at the elite level are already full of skill.
What they really struggle with is in trying to produce consistent results / performance.
And Kapil believes that this is a direct result of the changes/fluctuations in one’s own mind.
He has thus coached many athletes, artists, performers, business executives in what he calls ‘mind transcendence’.
His coaching, based on ‘perception training’ is unique to the entire coaching industry.
It is based on the philosophy that results are a by-product of your perception and understanding of what you believe to be true.
I have never come across anyone who is as dedicated to their craft, as Kapil.
He has not only created a category of its’ own in coaching, he has also very intricately studied how the human mind learns.
He is interested in transformation. And effectiveness.
He does not care about your money.
He knows that the mind does not pay attention unless there is a cost.
And the heavier the cost, the more value one tries to extract from it.
The free discourses you see are all borne out of compassion.
And the paid stuff — he does not try to sell them.
Because he knows that the vast majority of individuals are not ready to receive what he writes and talks about. And therefore, neither will they be transformed and nor will the exchange be effective.
This is the true reason why Kapil’s products are so expensive. He just happens to price them in such a way which is out of reach for most people.
I’m pretty sure that if a truly sincere (and devoted) student appeared before him and offered to pay him whatever he has, Kapil would gladly accept him irrespective of the ‘amount’.
The other reason is that Kapil values the truth very highly. He is frustrated of not finding the truth anywhere, so has devoted his life to finding it himself.
As a result, he views his work as invaluable, which is also reflected in his pricing.
The problem though, is that, a lot of people are actually buying his work, despite being not ready.
This causes frustration in them because they’ve spent so much money and have gotten nothing in return.
However, Kapil is not to be blamed because he did not ask you to buy his work.
His devotion is to the truth. He enjoys speaking and writing the truth, but does not really take any accountability for the effect that his words may have upon you.
His journey is pure.
He is not doing it to benefit anyone.
He is not doing it to change the world.
He is not doing it to make money.
He does not have any ulterior motives.
He is doing it for no other reason, than to transform himself into the ultimate possibility of mankind.
He just happens to have had some transformative effects in some individuals via his work, including myself, but he did not ‘choose’ for the transformation to happen.
It happened by itself.